Finding the Joy in Caregiving
I know some of you are giving me a side-eye, and you may not think that's true but you can find joy in caregiving. I needed to do this...
Blogging your Caregiving Journey can be therapeutic
If you have followed my blog for a while, you would know that I turned to blogging to ease the stress,...
The Four Stages of Caregiving
It was both a blessing and an honor being a caregiver for my mom. I’m an introvert so entertaining myself wasn’t a problem for the most...
Going to the Emergency Room: Tips for Dementia Caregivers
I was caregiver for my mom who had vascular dementia. I'm not a healthcare provider so I didn't want to guess what my mom was suffering...
What Can I Do About the Grief I Experience as a Caregiver?
There are so many ways that can help you cope with your Grief so I provided a couple below that may assist you. 1. Keep a journal of...
The Five Effects of Caregiver’s Grief
Grief is a natural and normal reaction to loss and change. It affects ALL aspects of ourselves: the physical, emotional, psychological,...
SELFCARE? Who has time for that?
I know that it's been awhile since my last post however, I thought I would take the time out to share how I felt about my friends and...
Musing Monday
Well it's Monday morning and I'm home and emotionally spent. Although I didn't make my trek to North Carolina to see my mom, the guilt of...
Feelings Friday
TGIF Caregivers, My Mood is well okay. I'm with my mom for a long weekend because she has a doctor’s appointment for her checkup. This...
Feelings Friday
TGIF CareGivers :) and supporters My mood today is peaceful with a dash of reflection I thought before I go into my post today I would...