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Caregiving Tips: Talking to a Parent With Dementia

Speaking to a parent with Alzheimer’s can be a daily struggle. I remember that even though I loved my mom dearly communicating with her at times would make me crazy. It’s essential that you still help your loved one feel respected, valued, and supported since their suffering from a form of dementia. These tips helped me to communicate with her as her memory and judgment deteriorated.

Try to have one on one conversations with your loved one. When you involve too many people in the discussion at least in my case, it can be overwhelming especially when the disease has progressed, and they have trouble communicating as it is.

Don't argue with your loved one. You’ll both become more agitated, and the whole conversation that you tried to have will not happen. I found out in time when I learned to walk away before the possible argument could’ve happened.

When speaking to your loved one give them your full attention. Look them in the eye when speaking.Speak to them with a calming voice. Keep conversations short and to the point.

Yes, having conversations can make you crazy sometimes especially when it seems to go around and around in circles. Conversations that I had with my mom would be repeated over and over. Try to stay patient and resist the temptation to complete their sentences which mostly frustrated you. I found that asking my mom a question at times jogged her memory.

Limit their choices. Having too many options can be confusing and don’t ask open-ended questions without a definite answer.

It ‘s difficult for your loved one to communicate verbally as the disease progresses. However, they may be able to communicate through their body language. Take note of their facial expressions and body mannerisms to help you communicate better.

Communication is crucial for someone suffering from a form of Dementia. Know that there will be good days and bad days as the disease progresses. By using some of these tips to communicate with a loved one with dementia, you may be able to communicate easier.

Do you have some tips to share on how you communicated with a loved one suffering from Dementia? If so, share in the comments below.

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